ground tofu, sweet potato, red kidney bean chili

Low FODMAP Veggie Chili

Created: Tuesday November 1st, 2022Updated: Thursday November 17th, 2022
Meal Type


  1. 1 package tofu, drained, pressed, crumbled
  2. 1 Eggplant, large cubes
  3. 1 medium sweet potato, small cubes
  4. 1 Can red kidney beans
  5. 1 Can tomato juice (546ml)
  6. 1 Can diced tomato, drained
  7. 1 package mushrooms, sliced
  8. Chili powder
  9. Cumin
  10. Cayenne Pepper
  11. Tumeric powder
  12. Paprika
  13. Salt & Pepper


Slow cook everything but the tofu together until tender Eggplant will dissolve over time thickening the sauce Season to taste

Fry tofu until coated in chosen seasonings and heated through Add the tofu crumble before removing from heat

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Written by Danielle Bastien who lives and works in Calgary cooking things. More about Danielle Bastien